Everyone is Creative
People Express is a professional arts organisation. We support a huge range of community groups to set up their own projects mainly using participatory and community arts because it’s great fun, it covers lots of different art forms, it is accessible so everyone can take part and participants have choices and control and are actively involved. People Express is part of East Midlands Participatory Arts Forum (EMPAF) a peer support network of organisations and artist led companies who share best practice, skills and inspiring stories. There are lots of different ways to describe participatory and community arts (everyone in EMPAF will have their own!), but here it’s what they mean to us and what they offer...
Participatory Arts
Creating your own artwork
You can create amazing art work, even if you think you can’t paint or draw, everyone has creative skills and an imagination.
Art work that is unique and has meaning for you
You will be listened to and valued, you can reflect on who you are & what you would like to explore and say.
Participants choose the art form, the date & the place
Choice is very important. Especially if you feel you are not able to access more traditional activities or learning opportunities, & if you feel your choices are limited in other areas of your life.
Festival of Leisure 2019,
Church Gresley
Drop in eco-friendly workshops for the whole family at the District’s annual outdoor event, attracting 5000+ people over the weekend.
LAND (Looking After Nature in Derbyshire), Hatton
The community group that created the Salt Brook Heritage Trail in Hatton went on to create a bespoke dry stone wall and seating, further enhancing their sculpture park & set up eco-friendly sessions for families including bat & bird box building.
Linton Village - Stay and Spray
A new village group (a legacy of our Creative Communities programme) consulted with their young people and they chose spray art (including ‘glow in the dark!) print making, drumming, mandala painting and digital light graffiti.
Community Arts
Creating work together
Making new friends, sharing your skills, finding common ground in a safe and supportive space.
Art work with meaning for communities all over the world
You can feel isolated by your challenges, invisible and undervalued, but together as group, who share common experiences, anything is possible.
Over time the group takes over ownership of the project
One of our main ambitions for our work is for people to go from little or no confidence in their arts abilities to playing a leadership role and developing new projects independently.
OAKs (Overseal Arts Kommunity)
A new village group (a legacy of our Creative Communities Programme) set up 30 local workshops, talks and activities for all ages.
Life is For Living
Working with Amber Valley Peer Support Group and Film City. We captured on film the challenges, wisdoms and joys and the huge value of friendship, when lives are affected by dementia. Click here to watch the a short clip of the film.
Creative Chrysanthemum, Newhall
Adults living in supported housing with little or no confidence in the arts, set up popular drop in workshops
attended by people from all over Swadlincote. They were invited to curate their own exhibition at Sharpe’s Museum. Their glossy Art Book ‘Imagination Runs Wild’ is available online and in hard copy. Click here to take a look.